Tag: Abortion

The Wicked Exchange: Bernie Sanders and the Inversion of the Created Order

In a recent CNN town hall, Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders had a shocking answer to a question on climate change. A voter asked him if he would support a campaign to curb population growth to combat it. In response to this, Sanders reiterated his support for abortion, especially for those in poor countries so that they could control the number of children they have.

Sanders’ answer is a perfect example of the wickedness of man’s rebellion against God.… Read more

The Cult of Moloch: Abortion and a Nation Under Judgment

Earlier this week, New York passed the most radical abortion law in the nation, allowing it for (nearly) any reason imaginable up till birth. According to the law, it’s allowed for the “health” of the mother, but according to LifeNews, the definition of health is so broad, abortion is effectively on demand for any reason. Laws that would previously charge illegally performed abortions have also been repealed, as well as protections for babies born alive after botched abortions, effectively legalizing infanticide and butchers like Kermit Gosnell.… Read more

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